1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty Hospital Motol

Classes for medical students

Where and when:

Students have to come to the lecture room of the department the first day of classes at 8 o'clock (Faculty Hospital Motol, adult's part, blue building, corridor between B and C, floor -1, entry from B. 


Cloakroom keys: To be collected from Mrs. Mikulášková or Mrs.Kodetová (ORL offices - narrow corridor opposite the lecture hall). Cloakroom location: first room on the left hand side in the broad corridor. 


It is necessary to pick up the key in the morning and return it back after the lectures at lunchtime. (No belongings can be left in the cloakroom! The lecture hall must be closed each time when empty.  Do not enter in the lecture hall with any food or drinks, please. Bathrooms are placed close to Ward II (near the elevators B).


According to the dean’s directive (No. 5/2003) all students are obliged to wear their white coats and student identification cards at a visible place during their stay in the hospital. Students without the student card are not allowed to pass the classes. 




Lectures/rounds start at 8 AM every day.

Courses consist of 


- lectures (taking place at the lecture hall)

- morning rounds at different wards (Ward I, Ward II, ICU – intensive care unit, Outpatient dpt.) (see the time table) 

- assistance in surgery in the operating rooms. 
On the first day of the course (usually Mondays) students can register for assisting in the operating rooms.  Registration forms can be found on the notice board opposite the lecture hall. Students can register as follows: 

3 students in the morning (start 8.15)
3 students in the afternoon (start approximately 11:30)

Once the student is registered for a given date and time he/she is obliged to participate on the intervention. All changes must be notified by midday the day before. Surgeries start according to the operating program (and according to the course of previous procedure). Exact time of surgery will be announced either by the surgeon or by the secretaries. 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is forbidden to go outside of the operating room in green operating clothing. It is always necessary to change the dress in the changing room.


Students can not attend the complementary practical training and rounds without an appointment, students have to contact the secretaries Mrs. Mikulášková or Mrs. Kodetová.


To pass the classes at another than a standard date is possible only in highly exceptional cases! In this case a proper request must be sent by email to renata.kodetova@fnmotol.cz in advance!

Questions may be addressed to the secretary (Mrs. Monika Mikulášková)

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