Mailing adress
Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Faculty Hospital Motol
V Uvalu 84, 150 06 Prague 5
March 10, 1983
2009 - 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague (M.D.)
2014 - Postgraduate diploma in otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery
2009 - 2014 Postgradual study of biomedicine, Field: Experimental surgery (Ph.D.)
Working experience
2005 – 2007 Institute of Anatomy, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Lecturer of anatomical dissections
2007 –2009 Institute of Anatomy, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague,Lecturer of practical training
2009 Institute of Anatomy, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Researcher
From 2010 Institute of Anatomy, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Ass’t Prof.
2009 – 2014 Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery of the 1st Faculty of
Medicine, Charles University and Faculty Hospital Motol in Prague, Resident
From 2014 Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery of the 1st Faculty of
Medicine, Charles University and Faculty Hospital Motol in Prague, Senior physician
From 2014 Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery of the 1st Faculty of
Medicine, Charles University and Faculty Hospital Motol in Prague, Ass’t Prof.
2014 HNO Klinik Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany.
2016 Gruppo Otologico, Piacenza, Italy
Selected courses
2011 13th Biennale of the temporal bone dissection and middle ear surgery, Košice, Slovakia
2012 Transtemporal approaches and ECIC bypass, Prague, Czech Republic
2013 Weill Cornell ENT Seminar, Salzburg, Austria
2014 Otology update, Hannover, Germany
2015 Head and neck reconstruction, Edinburgh, Great Britain
2019 28th Practical course in microsurgery of the Skull base, Zurich, Swizerland
2012 Albert Schweitzer price (Price for medicine) 2012
2012 The price of Czech anatomical society
2012 The winning lecture at the Congress of young otorhinolaryngologist, Czech republic
2013 14th Student scientific conference – 3rd place – postgraduate section
2013 Scientia foundation – 3rd place – the best work published in 2012 (postgraduate student, 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague)
Selected publications
- Betka J, Chovanec M, Zvěřina E, Profant O, Lukeš P, Skřivan J, Kluh J, Fík Z. Minimally Invasive Endoscopic and Endoscopy-Assisted Microsurgery of Vestibular Schwannoma. Advances in Endoscopic Surgery, Prof. Cornel Iancu (Ed.), InTech, 2011, ISBN: 978-953-307-717-8, DOI: 10.5772/23793.
- Fík Z. Otitis externa. V ORL pro všeobecné praktické lékaře, Prof. Plzák Jan (Ed.), Praha: RAABE, 2011. Kapitola 11, str. 64-8, ISBN 978-80-86307-90-9
- Štingl J, Grim M, Druga R, et al., Regional anatomy, Galén, 1.vydání, 2012; 123 stran, ISBN 978-80-246-2115-9 – co-translator
- Fík Z, Naňka O et al.:Klinická topografická anatomie pro 4. ročník. Multimediální podpora výuky klinických a zdravotnických oborů: Portál 1. lékařské fakulty Karlovy Univerzity v Praze [online]. Dostupný z WWW: <>. ISSN 1803-6619
- Valach J, Fík Z, Strnad H, Chovanec M, Plzák J, Čada Z, Szabo P, Šáchová J, Hroudová M, Urbanová M, Šteffl M, Pačes J, Mazánek J, Vlček C, Betka J, Kaltner H, André S, Gabius HJ, Kodet R, Smetana K, Jr., Gál P, Kolář M. Smooth muscle actin-expressing stromal fibroblasts in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Increased expression of galectin-1 and induction of poor prognosis factors. Int J Cancer. 2012; 131: 2499-508
- Fík Z, Valach J, Chovanec M, Mazánek J, Kodet R, Kodet O, Tachezy R, Foltynová E, André S, Kaltner H, Gabius HJ, Smetana K, Jr. Loss of adhesion/growth-regulatory galectin-9 from squamous cell epithelium in head and neck carcinomas. J Oral Pathol Med. 2013; 42:166-173
- Fík Z, Chovanec M, Zvěřina Z, Kluh J, Profant O, Kraus J, Hrubá S, Čada Z, Procházková K, Plzák J, Betka J. Funkce lícního nervu po mikrochirurgické léčbě vestibulárního schwannomu [Facial nerve function after vestibular schwannoma surgery]. Cesk Slov Neurol N. 2017; 80/113(5): 545-551
- Živicová V, Gál P, Mifková A, Novák S, Kaltner H, Kolář M, Strnad H, Šáchová J, Hradilová M, Chovanec M, Gabius H-J, Smetana K, Fík Z. Detection of Distinct Changes in Gene-expression Profiles in Specimens of Tumors and Transition Zones of Tenascin-positive/-negative Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 2018; 38(3): 1279-1290
- Kopitz J,Fík Z,André S,Smetana K Jr.,Gabius HJ. Single-Site Mutational Engineering and Following MonoPEGylation of the Human Lectin Galectin-2: Effects on Ligand Binding, Functional Aspects, and Clearance from Serum. Mol Pharm. 2013; 10: 2054-2061.
- Kolář M, Szabo P, Dvořánková B, Lacina L, Gabius HJ, Strnad H, Šáchová J, Vlček C, Plzák J, Chovanec M, Čada Z, Betka J, Fík Z, Pačes J, Kovářová H, Motlík J, Jarkovská K, Smetana K Jr. Upregulation of IL-6, IL-8 and CXCL-1 production in dermal fibroblasts by normal/malignant epithelial cells in vitro, immunohistochemical and transcriptomic analyses. Biol Cell. 2012; 104: 738-51
- Fík Z, Dvořánková B, Kodet O, Bouček J, Betka J.A., Betka J, André S, Gabius HJ, Šnajdr P, Smetana K Jr., Chovanec M. Towards dissecting molecular routes of intercellular communication in the tumour microenvironment: phenotypic plasticity of stem cell-associated markers in coculture (carcinoma cell/fibroblast) systems.Fol Biol. 2014; 60(5): 205-212
- Fík Z, Chovanec M, Zábrodský M, Lukeš P, Astl J, Betka J. Konvenční versus miniinvazivní video-asistovaná tyroidektomie: Limity a benefity miniinvazivního přístupu. Otorinolaryng a Foniat. 2012; 61: 3-12.
- Fík Z, Astl J, Zábrodský M, Lukeš P, Merunka I, Betka J, Chovanec M. Minimally Invasive Video-Assisted versus Minimally Invasive Nonendoscopic Thyroidectomy. Biomed Res Int. 2014; 2014:450170.
Main topics and interest
Ear surgery, cochlear implants, skull base surgery, head and neck oncology, thyroid gland surgery, molecular cell biology, glycobiology, head and neck clinical anatomy